Frequently asked questions
Application process
If you are no longer in possession of the registration certificate, you can add the vehicle to your application by using the registration number. We will then ask for additional information at a later date to prove that you were the owner of that particular vehicle.
The registration form accepts only diesel cars of the brands Renault, Opel, Citroën, Peugeot and Mercedes produced between 2009 and 2019. Due to the car being imported or destroyed, the data may no longer be available. If in doubt, you can always contact us at
Your diesel car may have been exported or destroyed so this data may not be available. We will try to find out this data by other means. You do not have to do anything yourself for this. Should we need any additional information from you, we will contact you.
You don't have to do anything more for the moment. We will keep you informed by e-mail newsletters about the progress of the case and other developments relevant to our case. We will use the e-mail address you have used to sign up for these. However, it is possible that some of our messages may end up in the spam folder and advise checking it regularly.
Yes, the form allows you to add multiple diesel vehicles. If it concerns a fleet of vehicles, you can add them via this form contact so that all vehicles can be added to your registration at once.
The Emission Claim Foundation board is responsible for the policy and implementation of the strategy aimed at obtaining compensation. The board represents the foundation.
The supervisory board oversees the policies and their implementation by the board and determines the strategy of the foundation. They assist the board and perform monitoring tasks as described in the "Claim Code 2019".
Emission Claim Foundation has appointed leading law firm Kennedy van der Laan to represent itself in the Diesel Emission Cases.
Since 1992, this renowned Dutch law firm has been collaborating with market leaders to provide pragmatic solutions for their clients' legal issues.
For more information
Attorneys' fees are included in the success fee (maximum 25%) that the foundation is entitled to in case compensation is obtained.
Renault defrauded the software in its cars and sold you a car that appeared clean, but was in reality highly polluting, without telling you. In many cases, Renault actually pretended that the cars were very clean. By doing so, Renault misled you. If you had known that the car you bought did not remotely meet emission standards, you would not have bought or leased the car for the same price. You are entitled to compensation for those damages.
Anyone who owns or has owned, or is or has been a leasing customer of a Renault or Dacia diesel vehicle produced between 1 September 2009 and 1 September 2019 and marketed in the Netherlands can apply. After adding your vehicle(s), you will receive notification from us whether the vehicle is eligible.
We issued the writ on 27 May 2021. See here for the writ. We expect the proceedings to take another 2-3 years or so. See the specific page on our website about the proceedings against Renault for more information. Follow-up proceedings may be needed to win damages.
After you have applied and added your vehicle(s), Emission Claim Foundation will keep you informed through update emails. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the state of play, please feel free to contact us at
Stellantis (Peugeot, Opel, Citroën)
Peugeot, Opel and Citroën defrauded the software in their cars and sold you a car that appeared clean, but was in reality very polluting, without telling you. In many cases, Peugeot, Opel and Citroën actually pretended that the cars were very clean. Peugeot, Vauxhall and Citroën thereby misled you. If you had known that the car you bought was far from meeting emission standards, you would not have bought or leased the car at the same price. You are entitled to compensation for those damages.
Anyone who owns or has owned, or is or has been a leasing customer of a Peugeot, Opel, Citroën or DS diesel vehicle produced between 1 September 2009 and 1 September 2019 and marketed in the Netherlands can apply. After adding your vehicle(s), you will receive notification from us whether the vehicle is eligible.
We issued the writ on 18 July 2021. See here for the writ. We expect the proceedings to take another 2 to 3 years or so. See the specific page on our website about the proceedings against Stellantis for more information. Follow-up proceedings may be needed to win damages.
After you have applied and added your vehicle(s), Emission Claim Foundation will keep you informed through update emails. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the state of play, please feel free to contact us at
Mercedes cheated with the software in its cars and sold you a car that appeared clean, but was in reality very polluting, without telling you. In many cases, Mercedes actually pretended that the cars were very clean. Mercedes thereby misled you. If you had known that the car you bought did not remotely meet emission standards, you would not have bought or leased the car at the same price. You are entitled to compensation for those damages.
Anyone who owns or has owned, or is or has been a leasee of, a Mercedes diesel vehicle produced between 1 September 2009 and 1 September 2019 and marketed in the Netherlands can apply. After adding your vehicle(s), you will receive notification from us whether the vehicle is eligible.
We issued the writ on 30 December 2020. See here for the writ. We expect the proceedings to take another 2 to 3 years or so. See the specific page on our website about the proceedings against Mercedes for more information. It is possible that follow-up proceedings may be needed to win damages.
After you have applied and added your vehicle(s), Emission Claim Foundation will keep you informed through update emails. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the state of play, please feel free to contact us at
Our board members receive a basic monthly allowance, as well as a compensation of €250 per hour for their services. They are also reimbursed for reasonably incurred travel, accommodation and meal expenses. With the exception of Steve Berman, who sits on the Board of Trustees on behalf of the funder, none of our board members has an interest that conflicts with that of the foundation or could compromise their independence. Mr Berman has waived the fees due to other board members.
The Emission Claim Foundation is funded by Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, a US litigation law firm experienced in suing companies for their wrongful acts. Hagens Berman is funding the proceedings and in return will receive up to 25% of the damages realised by the foundation. Any unclaimed amounts will be used in accordance with the foundation's statutory objectives.
It depends on a number of factors. We charge compensation for each car. This indemnity is based on the difference between the amount paid for it by the first owner and the amount that that owner would have paid had they known that the car did not meet emission standards. We call this the 'overcharge'. So the overcharge is a percentage of the new price of your car. That percentage is yet to be determined in the proceedings and can vary depending on the type of car (sedan/station/company car etc).
The compensation that can be determined on the basis of this percentage per car must be divided among the owners of the car according to a distribution key. Your compensation therefore depends on how many owners your car has had. If you are the first owner, then all the compensation is yours. If there are several owners of the car, your compensation depends on whether you are still the owner of the car and if not, how long you have owned the car. Here you can consult some calculation examples.
Yes, you are also eligible for compensation if you bought a diesel car second-hand, as long as the car was manufactured and marketed in the Netherlands between 2009 - 2019. See the heading 'how much compensation can I expect' for calculation examples that give an indication in your compensation as a successor buyer and which circumstances are relevant.
Yes, you are eligible for compensation even if you have already sold your car, as long as the car was manufactured and marketed in the Netherlands between 2009 - 2019. See the heading 'how much compensation can I expect' for calculation examples that give an indication in your compensation as a successor buyer and which circumstances are relevant in this respect.
Through the registration form you can instantly see if you are eligible for compensation and what this compensation could potentially be.
The foundation works on a no-cure-no-pay basis. That means you pay nothing for registration and also do not have to pay anything if the claims are rejected. If (part of) the claim is awarded, you will pay a maximum of 25% of each compensation you receive to the foundation. The foundation uses this compensation to pay the costs of the proceedings and to pay the funder (Hagens Berman) for the investment in these proceedings and the risk taken. For more information, see the participant conditions.

Compensation for diesel drivers
You could potentially receive up to €10,000 compensation (20% of the purchase value). Check your license plate to find out if you qualify.